

Korob CLI comes with a set of commands to work with typescript/javascript projects. It is designed to be as simple and straightforward as possible. Each of the command serves its own purpose however all of them share same prepare functionality.

Config generation

Korob aims to be environment-friendly and this is why it will create additional configuration files in order to properly work with the IDE/text editor of your choice:

    • index.ts
  • .gitignore
  • .prettierignore
  • .prettierrc.json
  • biome.json
  • korob.config.ts
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json
  • Additionally make sure to add those files to .gitignore. This is due to the fact that those files are created for the development purposes only.

    Adding following files to ignore list is usually handled by korob init but for the sake of manual installation here's the snippet:

    # Korob

    Editor integration

    Korob was made to be used along with extensions for your favorite editor. Here's a list of recommended extensions:


    Besides the config generation there's, of course, more functionality for every command. Here's a short command description:

    • korob build - Build the project into a bundle taking the entry path
    • korob dev - Start a development server with hot reloading
    • korob format - Format the project using biome and prettier as fallback
    • korob init - Initialize existing workspace
    • korob lint - Lint the project using biome and prettier as fallback
    • korob start [PATH] - Execute javascript/typescript file
    • korob test - Test all *.test.js/ts files via vitest

    For more information on commands, head to the corresponding commands section:

    None of the CLI commands but korob start take arguments. This is because the CLI is designed to be as simple as possible. The only source of configuration is "korob" key in package.json or korob.config.js/korob.config.ts.